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时间: 文桦2 小考作文






  平日的作业尚且如此在双休日也难以乐得清闲。那次我刚刚写完作业,正大摇大摆的躺在床上,准备进入甜美的梦乡时,身后猛然传来一个炸雷般的腮声音:“刘丽君。”我睁开朦胧睡眼 却看到老妈凶神恶煞的眼神,老妈中用河东狮吼般的声音嚷道:“现在是小升初的关键时刻,看看你们班的那些同学学习多刻苦,再看看你。你想把我气死呀。”老妈发火的样子,真像是动物园西的雄狮。“我写完作业了。”我理直气壮的 反驳。“那也不行。”我的反驳被老妈野蛮无理的打断了,只好返回屋里继续做我的书呆子。

  长期的复习,令我们充满了压力,但是我们却必追如此,因为 我们是祖国未来的栋梁;是父母未来的希望;是老师用心血培育的幼苗。我们的肩上有太多人的期望而我们自己也有心中的梦,为了梦想而奋斗的道路就如同一杯浓茶,苦涩而带有淡淡甜蜜。



 The small rise in early taste

  When students whenever we are always on the Big Brothers Big Sisters of junior high school feel very envious, we have to grow up very quickly they can expect, but when we really ushered in this step - when small rise early, it is not all that not happy.

  Faced with emphasis junior high school, we have been increasingly heavy shoulder bags, all kinds of earnest teachings more prevalent. Whenever we like a little like a complete copy work day jobs, still can not break the pen, but also to continue after-school review, a review of the books of dense information, people looked shudder. Nightly not boil so many hours, it is difficult under the desk.

  Weekday job like this at the weekend it is difficult to happy leisure. When a job that I just finished, is blatantly lying in bed, ready to enter sweet dreams, behind suddenly heard a clap of thunder-like gills voice:. "Liu Lijun," I opened my hazy sleepy eyes has seen vicious mother , my mom used Hedongshihou like voice cried:. "Now is a critical moment small rise early to see those students to learn more assiduous in your class, and then look at you, you want me mad ah" Mom angry like, really like zoo lions west. "I finished the job." I confidently refute. "That does not work." My rebuttal was interrupted outrageousness mother, had to return the house to continue to do my nerd.

  Long review, so we are full of pressure, but we will pursue that, because we are the future of our motherland; hope that the future parents; teachers with the effort to cultivate seedlings. There are too many people on our shoulders and our own expectations have hearts dream, to dream and to struggle on the road is like a cup of tea, with a touch of bitter and sweet.

  This is a small rise in early taste of - such as human drinking water, Lengnuanzizhi.