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  首先上场的是帅气的1元先生,只见他一身银装大摇大摆地走上台,(一身银装,)胸口印着一个大大的“1”字,代表它的价值的中文名字,边上还刻着它的英文名字 “YIYUAN”。更奇特的是:他的出生时间(2005年),出生地点(中国人民银行)都能从他的身上找到。 都纹在他身上。哇!看他的背面,仅竟然还纹着一朵又大又美的菊花,边上还用拼音拼着“中国人民银行”呢。

  他亮完相后,老师问:“同学们,猜猜他落在地上是什么声音?”我们争先恐后地回答:“‘砰砰’ ‘啪啪’‘咚咚’……听完我们的回答后,1元先生纵身一跳,跳到了地上,在“叮叮”的音乐声中跳起芭蕾舞来,正当我们看得入迷时老师的问话又来了:“你们想知道1元先生在桌子上跳舞的声音吗?”于是,1元先生又跳到了桌子上,在清脆的“啪啪啪”声中跳起了“蹄踏舞”。

  “现在有请2号“演员”——美丽的“5角女士”闪亮登场!随着老师的报幕声,台上出现了一位身上标明其身份,价值的金装 “女士”,我们的目光一下子都被吸引了过去,跟1元先生所不同的是她的背面刻着一朵美丽的荷花。在我们盛情的邀请下,“5角女士”向空中跳去,翻了几个跟斗后,落了下来,做了一个完美的“跳水动作”在地上发出了“砰—砰砰砰”的声音,像有人在摇铃铛给她伴奏一样。




  Three coins show

  Today, the teacher invited three "actors" to give us performances.

  First play is handsome Mr. 1 yuan, he saw one snow strutted onto the stage, (one Silver,) chest printed a big "1", on behalf of its value Chinese name is also engraved on the edge with its English name "YIYUAN". More unusual is: his time of birth (2005), Place of Birth (People's Bank of China) can be found from his body. They are tattooed on his body. Wow! Look at his backside, only a surprising pattern with a large and beautiful chrysanthemum, also with the alphabet edge vapid "People's Bank of China" it.

  After he finished with light, the teacher asked: "Students, guess what sound he dropped to the ground?" We scrambled to answer: "'pop' 'Pops' 'pound' ...... after listening to our answer Mr. 1 yuan plunges jump to the ground, jump ballet to the "ding" sound of music, just as fascinated when we see the teacher's questioning again: "Do you want to know, Mr. 1 yuan in the table Dancing voice? "So, Mr. 1 yuan has jumped on the table, in the crisp" lovemaking "sound danced the" hoofs dance. "

  "Now have your 2" actor "- beautiful" 5 angle lady! "The teacher's debut as announcer sound, the stage appeared a body indicating their identity, the value of Gold" Ladies, "Our eyes suddenly were attracted in the past, with Mr. 1 yuan difference is engraved on the back of her beautiful lotus flower. In our kind invitation, "50 cents Lady" go jump in the air, turned a few somersaults After falling down, he made a perfect "dive" was issued on the ground, "bang - bang bang bang" sound, like someone shaking her bells as accompaniment.

  The last play is the small size of "10 cents for children," his dress and "Mr. 1 yuan," almost, it was said that he and "Mr. 1 yuan," a father and son, it was also said to be brothers. Everyone rushes to the discussion, "1 corner Child" wittily turned a somersault jump on the stage. Then give us a few even roll show, "thump thump thump" of landing sound, won warm applause from the students.

  It was a spectacular, unparalleled performance Routon!