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时间: 文桦2 小考作文










  My thoughts

  Mid-Autumn Festival this year, it began to rain, the moon was gone, my good mood up. "Every festival pro," quite true, and now, my grandmother is not around, I especially miss my grandmother.

  I was a kid growing up with his grandmother, I am very fond of my grandmother, because she always continue to inspire me, so I make progress. I remember once, I exam poorly, came home and told his mother. Mom saw me so bad test, furious, picked up the whip on my ass beat fiercely. After a child, my grandmother back from the outside, and saw my mother hit me cry, she angrily shouted: "? Not so if you are not allowed in a foreign country, the child cried to catch police in the" mother immediately stop , let me do the job. The next day, my grandmother asked me to seriously review, the amount of increased Chinese homework, she said that this can improve my grades. After some effort, I finally language examinations in the next, and achieved 100 points, good results.

  Grandma also worth hurt me, often I eat good food, I also like to stay grandmother around. Grandmother ingenuity, can make many delicious dishes. Such as: flat meat, meat Yan, dumplings, rice cakes, small steamed milk, Layer Cake, boiled fish ...... So I real treat, but there is something hot, I ate a sick grandmother afraid, not fried for me to eat, I always say my grandmother is powerless ah!

  I look up at the dark night sky, looking for the moon, looking for grandmother. In June this year has been to Xiamen grandmother to take care of little sister. "Shanghai Triad ......" This nursery rhyme is singing since I was a kid. Formerly in the mouth to sing, and now in the heart study, read the nursery rhyme, thinking grandmother.