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  “ 叽叽喳喳! ” 还真是 “ 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟 ” 呢!瞧,小鸟正站在枝头上,卖弄着清脆的歌喉,引来了许多小动物的 “ 捧场 ” 。

  “ 沙沙沙沙! ” 柔和的春风变成了一把锋利的剪刀, “ 狠下心来 ” 帮柳树姑娘裁出了细长的头发,芳香飘逸,沁人心脾。

  “ 淅淅沥沥! ” 正如唐朝诗人杜甫所说 “ 好雨知时节,当春乃发生 ” 。看,丝丝春雨,亲吻着刚刚苏醒的大地。种子张开了小嘴,品味乳汁的甘甜;花苞笑了,噙着欢快的泪珠;小溪乐了,漾起了满面的涟漪……

  “ 嗡嗡嗡嗡! ” 花香传千里,老远就吸引了大群的蜜蜂和蝴蝶,它们在尽情地吮吸着采花酿蜜,构成了一批批纵横交错的航班,真是 “ 采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁忙 ” 。

  “ 嘎嘎嘎嘎! ” 大学士苏东坡曾说过: “ 竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知 ” 。的确,小鸭子最先知道春的到来,它们时而戏水,时而捕食,时而结伴,要把禁锢了一冬天的劲全部使出来似的。

  “ 哗哗哗哗,哗哗哗哗! ” 小河一定又赶在解冻之前创作新专辑呢; “ 布谷布谷,布谷布谷! ” 布谷鸟好像在说: “ 勤劳刻苦,勤劳刻苦 ” ; “ 喳喳喳喳,喳喳喳喳! ” 喜鹊在传递着喜讯 -——“ 喜事到家,喜事到家! ” ……

  春天的人儿都沉醉在这动人的交响曲中了。我爱春天,爱听这动听的春之谣 。


  Spring Sound

  Spring is a beautiful ballad, come listen to the voice of spring.

  "Twitter!" Really is "春眠不觉晓, Everywhere Birds Are Singing" too! Look, the bird was standing on the branches, show off the crisp voice, it attracted a lot of small animals "to join."

  "Swish swish!" Mild spring turned into a sharp pair of scissors, "mind to come" to help cut a slender willow girl's hair, elegant aroma, refreshing.

  "Rhythm!" As the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu said, "good rain knows the season, when spring is here." Look, the slightest rain, just to wake up and kissed the earth. Seed opened his mouth, the taste of sweet milk; bud laugh, Qin Zhao cheerful tears; creek music, Yang Qi sounded ripples ......

  "Buzz buzz!" Floral spread far, far away to attract large groups of bees and butterflies, they enjoy sucking flowers honey, constitute a batch of flights criss-cross, is "picked flowers into honey , whom hard busy for whom. "

  ! "Quack quack" scholar Su Dongpo once said: "bamboo outside peach thirty-two, Happy Plumbing ducks." Indeed, the arrival of spring ducklings first to know, and they sometimes swimming, sometimes prey, sometimes together, we should imprison a fresh all winter to make out like.

  "Rushing rushing, rushing rushing! 'River and catch some thaw in the creation of the new album before it;" cuckoo cuckoo, cuckoo cuckoo! "Cuckoo as if to say:" industrious, hard-working hard ";" Cha Cha, Cha Cha Cha! "magpie in passing the good news ---" home wedding, wedding home! "......

  Spring children who indulge in this symphony of moving. Ballad I love spring, to hear this beautiful spring