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时间: 炎婷2 英语答案

  9.According to paragraph 7, Peter Sheldon's studies demonstrated which ofthe following about trilobites?

  A.They underwent gradual change over a long time period.

  B.They experienced a number of discontinuous transitions during their history.

  C.They remained unchanged during a long period of environmental stability.

  D.They evolved in ways that cannot be counted for by either of the two competing theories.

  10.The word "occasionally" in the passage paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to



  C.once in a while.

  D.to some extent.

  11.The main purpose of paragraph 7 is to

  A.Describe one test of the competing theories.

  B.Provide an example of punctuated equilibrium.

  C.Describe how segmented animals evidence both competing theories.

  D.Explain why trilobites became extinct.

  12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.Where could the sentence best fit? They believe that environmental conditions may play a crucial role in determining which of the two modes will be in operation over a given period.

  ■【A】Similar exhaustive studies are required for many different kinds of organisms from many different periods. ■【B】Most researchers expect to find that both modes of transition from one species to another are at work in evolution.■【C】Slow, continuous change may be the norm during periods of environmental stability, while rapid evolution of new species occurs during periods of environment stress. ■【D】But a lot more studies like Sheldon's are needed before we can say for sure.

  13.Directions: selected from the seven phrases below the phrases that correctly characterize punctuated equilibrium and the phrases that correctly characterize gradualism. Two of the phrases will not be used. This question is worth 3 points.

  A.States that new species emerge from existing species during relatively brief period of time.

  B.Was first formulated by Charles Darwin.

  C.Explain why North American horses have become smaller over time.

  D.States that new species evolve slowly and continuously from existing species.

  E.Explain the lack of intermediate fossil forms in the fossil record of many species.

  F.Competition is usually strongest when the density of the competing populations is the same.

  G.States that a species will not change unless its environment changes.

  1 )


  A B C D E F G

  2 )

  punctuated equilibrium

  A B C D E F G



  2.A答案对应第一段第二句, B对应第一段第三句,D对应一段最后一句。C与原文冲突,原文一直在说darwin理论被人们广泛接受。

  3.高亮句子的主干部分是断点平衡论挑战了原来的渐进论,然后解释了断点平衡论的内容。A选项which修饰不明,容易产生误解;B选项与原文矛盾,C与原文不符,原文S和N的观点是change的发生是without lengthy transition的。D和原文意思相符,并且也包含了所有的主干部分。


  5.根据lack of intermediate fossils定位到第三段倒数第二句,在往前看一句说,这一情况对于达尔文学说是不和的,而达尔文学说正是渐进论,这一段的最后也说原来的物种突然被替换,而不是渐渐进化改变的。所以C符合原文意思。 A与原文第一句破折号后矛盾,原文说这一现象一直被Ignored,B选项原文矛盾,该现象应该是反对了达尔文学说,支持了物种有长期不改变的论点。D虽然正确但是只是本段的细节,不能表达主题,所以不选。

  6.Compel本身是强迫,此处作为evidence的形容词可以延伸为说服力强的。因此答案选B 有说服力的。A是惊奇的,C是有争议的,D是细节的。都不沾边。另外通过句义可以判断,前文说马的进化was once 是经典的渐进论的证明,is now(轻微转折)提了"equally"怎么样的证据证明了点断平衡论,前文既然说对gradual evolution很支持,那么后文出现equally,那应该对点断论也是有力证据。因此选B。


  8.这一句话说一个怎么样的单一基因就足以变一个普通飞禽的一对的正常翅为两对翅膀,所以有推理应该是要改变这个基因。所以选C,Alteration是修改,变更,A选项是不完美,B是替换,D是复制 带入后都改变了原文的意思。

  9.根据Peter Sheldon定位到原文第二句。后面对trilobites进行了描述,A选项对应了原文第三句,后文又继续说没有明显的断点。所以A正确。 B与原文第四句冲突。C与第三句冲突,D原文没有这种说法。而且上文也表明它符合gradual evolvement。


  11.上文说实地勘测会给competing theories提供test,第七段就给了试验例子,那么就证明是A正确。B与原文冲突,这个例子是支持渐进论的。C也不对,理由同上。D与原文目的不符。

  12.首先句子开头出现了They,那么我们应该能在前文找到一个提到人物的地方,句子又提出environmental condition的作用,那么后文应该会出现对这一理论的解释,那么C是符合的,也可以进行代入验证。
